Application of WNAM wireless access control system at the Skolkovo campus demonstrates a classic example of integrating an authorization service into an existing corporate Wi-Fi infrastructure.
Skolkovo uses a wireless network distributed across the territory of campus (dozens of buildings in the east of Moscow), which functions on numerous access points and controllers from a leading global manufacturer. All access points operate under unique control, and provide the connection for both employees and internal customers, and guest access subscribers . The latter is particularly important for organizing mass events, such as exhibitions, seminars, conferences, which are held literally every day.
The important significance of the Skolkovo location in terms of domestic investment projects development by no means allows the use of “self-written” guest Wi-Fi authorization system, or operation without it. In order to provide guests with the information on the authorization and welcome page, to collect and analyze statistics on the wireless networks use, in full accordance with the law the Skolkovo Foundation’s Information Systems and Services Department selected WNAM as authorization system at their campus.
The Wi-Fi authorization service on this location is not aimed at a profit, but is implemented and maintained at the expense of the customer and serves for creation the corresponding image and reputation of the Fund. Providing guest wireless access is “good manners ” of the organizations concentrated on a good attitude to visitors as well as to themselves.